Honestly - Just be yourself

Over the past week, I've been reflecting on what it means to be authentic. After spending some time with the horses, it occurred to me that there is no way for them to connect with me unless I am being truly myself. Otherwise, they are connecting with some false self that I've created that's not actually who I am. The wisdom I received from the horses was this:

Horses are completely themselves. They are not trying to be anything else. They are at peace with exactly who they are. They do not compare themselves with others. They are showing us how to be completely at peace with our authentic self. They do not pretend. They are clear about how they feel. They are not phoney and they do not understand the masks humans place over their true feelings. Horses see right through to our core, the masks are essentially invisible to them and our faults and insecurities are laid bare. They are asking for us to rise up to our potential and to be fully self-expressed without apology as they are.

My next question was where do I start? And this is what came through:

Get clarity on where you’ve been dishonest with yourself. You’ll realise that being authentic may mean releasing old patterns of thinking, people, methods or ways of doing things.

You’ll learn how to transform a seemingly negative situation into a great opportunity. Getting real allows you to face your shadow, helps you to be unstoppable and to put an end to the excuses that were holding you back. 

The benefit of doing this work is gaining courage, empowerment, creating community, and finding the support and ideas to move toward your highest good.

Be honest about who you are and what you truly want so you can take steps to make it happen.

When you verbalise what is stopping you and why you are scared, you admit what’s really there. Then you can find a way to accept it and use this knowledge as a foundation for the next moves you want to make. This is the beginning of any new endeavour.

Looking inwards and excavating your subconscious allows you to discover the hidden aspects that are driving you further away from your deepest desires. Therefore, being yourself is the fastest and truest way to redesign your outer world.

Since you cannot build anything genuine on false beliefs, authenticity, and the courage to be authentic, is essential to the creation of anything that fuels your soul.

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